Artinis Brite dual FNIRS



  • A wearable & flexible multi-channel NIRS device for brain oxygenation measurement.
  • Comes with a laptop


Brite mkII system consists:

Peli Case Bright Yellow:

- 1 x Dell Inspiron laptop for analyzing (ST:B3ZZ1B3)
- 1 x USB with Oxysoft Analysis Software Ver.
& manual and documentation
- 1 x Quick start guide
- 1 x Red license key for Oxysoft 3
- 1 x Bluetooth dongle SENA
- 1 x Long antenna for Bluetooth receiver
- 2 x Brite24 Charger
- USB 2.0 Micro cable - 1 Meter
- Headcaps: (2 x S, 2 x M &  2 x L
- 1 x Optode holder yellow for Tx (SN  24279)
- 1 x Optode holder blue for Rx (SN 24280)
- Ref Channel optode holder Brite
- Distance Guard 30mm 30 pack
- SSC distance guard 30mm set

ONLY to be used within/near the BMS LAB spaces